(The domestic 3D Printing industry is still at very early stages of growth and development. The release of the national policy by the central government will certainly have an impact on propelling the industry forward by attracting resources and developments efforts from the government, academia and private sectors. The next big question is how to best allocate those resources to the best use in a concerted and meaningful way and avoid any waste.)
(At this year's show EOS joined forces with our worldwide partner Materialise from Belgium and one of the hottests design company in China right now called Xuberance, a design company which leverages digital design and 3D Printing technologies. The idea is to show the entire process chain for 3D Printing starting with design, and data preparation, followed by production with EOS technology and post processing. The the outcome of such process can be something as beautiful and eyecatching as the design pieces from Xuberance.)
(The path from Rapid Prototyping to Rapid Manufacturing is a long process, but the technology as it is now already show great promise in certain industries, when the application is right. Additive Manufacturing is a new way of making things which can be applied in every industry. One challenge is for the manufacturers to get to know the capabilities of this technology and how it may be applied in their own industry and benefit them in what way. On the topic of "cost", to say that AM always bear "high cost" is a misconception. If the application is right, the cost of making things using AM is actually cheaper than conventional manufacturing methods. Dental copings is a great example. A metal AM system can print up to 400 units of copings per day at costs comparable to conventional lost wax casting process, with reduced labor and utility costs, and more importantly, mass production is achieved with 100% customization.)
(We currently have a wide install base ranging from aerospace, medical, dental, tooling, automotive, industrial, consumer goods, jewelry, service providers, universities and research institutes. We work closely with our channel partners to develop the market and make sure our end customers understand the technology as it is today, good or bad, and make the best use of it. 3D Printing or Additive Manufacturing is all about identifying the right applications, then working in conjunction with traditional manufacturing to produce the final product better faster and cheaper. In term of the challenges of application development, this is expected for any new manufacturing technology trying to make it to the mainstream. By working together with our partners and our customer together, I am sure we can overcome the barrier.)
(The future of 3D printing, and when I say 3 Printing, I mean industrial 3D Printing because that is all EOS is focused on, is to enter the production floor as one of the mainstream manufacturing techniques, like CNC is today. Today, 3D Printing machines are "islands of production", in the future, it will have to communicate to the manufacturing control system such as MES or shop floor control systems and become "integrated" as one step in the entire manufacturing process flow. This requires new IT setups, open interfaces and much higher degree of automation. And when the entire factory floor is integrated and automated, then we can begin realize the possibilities and benefits of real "intelligent" manufacturing.)

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