(Material is certainly one of the key components of 3D Printing industry. Today we are seeing many companies, foreign and domestic, entering the material market. On the one hand, this is good for the overall industry because it offers much more variety of materials often at lower costs. On the other hand, users should also realize that the ultimate goal for using high end 3D Printersis to produce parts at certain quality "repeatedly". In order toachieve this, the machine, the material and the parameters to process such material goes hand in hand. There are some misconceptions about EOS in the market. EOS realizes that we have to satisfy different types of end users in the market and must be able to fulfill their requirements. We have customers who have very specific application and demand a mature and standardized solution. Here EOS put in a lot of effort in developing and optimizing processes to offer a standardized process to this kind of customers. We have also customers who have greater need for materials which EOS does not offer today as standard material, as well as pure research institutes or universities. These companies require open parameters to be able to develop their own materials or for research purposes. The fact that we have many customers today, including China, using their own developed or 3rd party powders, proves that our process parameter openness is able to meet their needs. The future of 3D Printing develop trend will continue to be greater variety, and striking a balance between quality and cost.)
(EOS has been growing at very high speeds in China over the last few years. This year we have surpassed the 100 total install base in China and achieve close to 100m RMB in sales. We work with various partners in various market segments, whether it is a channel partner, a service bureau or strategic partner focused on particular industry. The goal is to maintain a balanced access into all of our targeted industries. In the future, EOS will continue to invest in China to expand our post sales service infrastructure in order to better service our growing install base.)
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